Homespun Charms

By MaryMouse


This morning prepared vegetables, put on the breadmaker and settled down to watch recording of Henry IV on last night. Too late for me to stay up so felt it would be a good toe resting activity this morning. If I hadn't also recorded the programme following, Jeremy Irons 'on the Henrys', I would have missed the second hour of the 2 hour play. As it is, I missed all but 5 mins. of the Jeremy Irons prog.! I was not pleased. I feel like strangling whoever at the BBC is responsible. Saturday night TV is usually not worth switching on, then at last something worthwhile. I am as hopeful of a Mr Murray success as anyone but why couldn't Wimbledon have been covered elsewhere when it went beyond the allotted time? One hour beyond! Grrrrr!!!
A 'run out' in the afternoon. Looked in on Northallerton's carnival. The High St was busy with lots of children and young families having a good time. I was very happy for them that the weather was so pleasant. Warm, dry and sunny - ish. After a quick limp round went to a nearby garden centre and bought a couple of good plants. Feeling calmer!

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