
By audribells


Backblip to what I would have posted yesterday. I failed to post an entry because my dad got me drunk on wine and I dozed off before I even knew I was drunk :))

Anyway. This is a post about the horror that is MANILA TRAFFIC. In an ideal world, we would implement and obey traffic rules, drive safely, give way to pedestrians, have an efficient train system but nooooo! We have to deal with horrible horrible traffic for hours in a day. This is just really frustrating but on a happier note, I subscribed to UpToDate today! It's an online medical database that has all the most recent journals summarized... per topic and it is ugh-maaazing!!! It is just OVERWHELMING how much we can learn and do with the power of internet. It is unimaginable, the wealth of information we can get just from a single click (but we have to be critical, too of course haha). I remember having volumes and volumes of encyclopedias but now, everything is just a click away. Crazy. Haha. I just wish I can use this technology more efficiently and not just spend my time on facebook or watching vines :)) peace out!!

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