
By audribells

Me day

Saturdays for me are about balancing my studies and hobbies! It's like ME day but with a little studying haha. I woke up without an alarm today, which is kind of a luxury for me. Then I took the time to eat breakfast with my sisters and planned the day with them. They took the dogs to the vet while I stayed at home to work on 3 papers due next week. I ended up just making drafts for the two and an outline for the third. Haha. Then i drove my sister to a party while i played football. My other sister went with me and she walked the dogs at the park. I just joined a random group of players since I went to the turf by myself hoping that there were players I knew, but there were none haha. I ended up playing as a defender, a position I am awkward at haha, because I was the only stranger/girl there. Ugh. But it was a blessing in disguise since I met two nice players who were organizers of football events so I have a group that I can play with regularly! How awesome is that?!? Haha. Went by myself and gained two new friends. It was a fun day! I want to talk about how football changed my life but that deserves a separate post from this lazy saturday night entry. Haha. Time to get some snooze, it's duty day tomorrow!

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