Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

Unfit for purpose...

The arrogance, irresponsibility and unaccountability of being a monopoly… 
I see that BT are defending their abysmal performance on rolling out their 'Outreach' broadband programme. Using typical smokescreen corporate speak they gleefully tell me that I should be happy with my 0.3mbps upload/0.9mbps download because some European countries are worse, like Romania and Belarus. That makes me so happy. They also tell me my line is slow because the cabinet is temporarily unavailable and does not have any jumpers left. And if I want to transfer to a different broadband supplier I can do so. It would have saved them so much time and effort in replying  if they'd just told me to Foxtrot Oscar and stop being a nuisance.

….because I feel that is really what they mean.

I started downloading 2gb software update for my iPad at 3.25pm today.  It will be completed by 9pm this evening.

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