Anna and Henry

By AnnaandHenry


This is the first time since December 2010 that I've worked 7 days in a row and I'm shattered! Henry slept better last night but I hadn't realised how much I rely on my naps at the weekend to catch up on sleep. I'm looking forward to a day off on Wednesday and my 4 day weekend - Neil and I have both got Friday and Monday off to prepare for and then recover after Henry's birthday party on Saturday.

I had another good day - missed a birth by 5 mins but got to help sort her out afterwards - and I got to clean up and cuddle the baby while mum was being stitched up! I found out that I can still go there for my next birth despite the forceps last time which is great, I just hope it's still open as they keep threatening to close it down.

Neil had a bit of a traumatic experience with Henry - his first up-the-back and down-both-legs poo without me to help him clean him up! He managed though, and he's been lucky to get to almost a year before having to do it by himself. Neil went underwater with Henry at their swimming lesson today as well - another first.

Today's blip is my cheeky boy emptying out toys all over the floor which is his new favourite thing to do.

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