Anna and Henry

By AnnaandHenry

Cheeky baby!

Henry just crawled from one side of the room to the other in order to help himself to Neil's caramel nibbles! Despite not eating much "normal" food somehow he knows that he likes chocolate.

We had an awful night last night - Henry kept crawling up and down the bed in his sleep and waking me up. I was worried about him ending up under my duvet or banging his head on the radiator so I kept grabbing him and pulling him back up to the right end of the bed.

Wee all had a good day today - Neil and Henry coped just fine without me although there was a major meltdown when Neil took him for a haircut. The barber has tidied up my efforts as much as he could but it's still straggly at the back.

I was shadowing the midwives at the local midwife led birth unit and although there were no labouring women in, there were 4 postnatal women so I got to see some very cute newborns. The staff were very helpful, even though there had been a major crisis overnight - a random naked man had broken into the staff toilet! He's since been caught, arrested and charged so hopefully they have a less eventful night tonight.

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