Better late than never!!

Rajah Rammohun Roy, the man often referred to as the 'Father of Modern India' is buried in Bristol, where he died suddenly in 1833. His far reaching influence in India was apparent in the fields of politics, public administration and education as well as religion. This statue stands in front of Bristol Cathedral, complete with Seagull!!

Ok, I'm cheating and breaking the blip rules! But after you've read the following, I hope you'll forgive me...

You may remember that on Thursday I visited Bristol Cathedral but had forgotten my camera and had to borrow a friend's iPhone. Never having used an iPhone camera before, taking this photo was more a case of luck than skill. But having taken it, my friend couldn't work out how to email the phone to me from her phone, so.... She downloaded the photo from her phone onto her computer, copied the photo from her computer onto a memory stick, got in her car and drove five miles and hand-delivered the memory stick to me! After all that effort, I didn't have the heart to tell her that she was three days late!!

So I hope you'll agree with me that after all my friend's efforts, this photo just had to be posted... Besides, after a very sleepy Sunday of watching the skiing again, it was this or another Mince Pie!!

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