
Life includes love, pain, anger, forgiveness and relief, among other issues.

Pain has been the issue today as my back has been very sore since I got out of bed. Some small wrong movement, I guess. I sometimes am so fed up with my spinal colmun with all it's very early age dystrophy and problems... (Problems since 1990's)

I struggled to relax the back all day and finally in the late afternoon had it in better shape - even to drive the car. So I visited my dad. Had a nice long chat with him in the dementia ward - we were watching some old photograph albums and talked about important issues in life. 

Alzheimer is curious disease: My dad simultaneously is so mixed up and can not remember a thing, but anyway he still is clever and analytic. He even had built some arrangements again in his tiny flat... and he has a good day today, we talked about love, anger, forgiveness and relief - among other issues. ;)

I had the camera with me as I drove throught the city. As the traffic was so slow, I put the camera on console holder and snapped some shots. 

Snowy city will change to a dark slushly place in two days, as the warm wind will get here... What a shame. I like snow and temperatures like this!

In the extra there is skaters on the small lake near us. 

Thanks for reading this far - have a nice sunday!


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