Coventry Spires

Gill is working* with two of her art group friends on a set of panels to decorate a conference room in Coventry City Council's Enterprise House, which is their effort to encourage local businesses.  This is one of Gill's pieces, photographed before it goes into it's frame.

The city has a long history and although the blitz and post war rebuilding did it no favours, there are still some fine old buildings from the mediaeval period, some Gothic churches and a lot of industrial history.  I was a student there ~30 years ago and the difference between then and now is quite striking, particularly the area around the two Cathedrals, the Herbert Art Gallery and the Transport Museum.

The art works celebrate e.g. Courtaulds, hence the coloured fabrics, ribbons, watch straps, and a variety of other items made in the city over the years.

*'working' for the experience or pro bono (which sounds nicer than for no payment)

The art is pinned to a piece of foam core, lit with flash on the hotshoe via a reflector.  I thought the white foam core, and my calibrated monitor,  would make the colour balance easy ... no such luck!

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