Biomuseo, Panama City

Cheating today.  We are currently enjoying a rather gray day at sea.  Nothing of note to get wildly enthusiastic about in the photographic vein, so I have decided to add a photo from yesterday's Panama Canal adventure instead.  (Sticks out tongue.)

This extraordinary, colourful building in front of the dramatic Panama City backdrop is the Biomuseo, or the Museum of Biodiversity, designed by "starchitect" Frank Gehry.  As we glided past it yesterday evening, I wondered what it could be, and mused that it looked like Gehry's work.  When I googled "Frank Gehry Panama City" today, I was pleased to find that my suspicions were right!

Dear faithful followers ... I sincerely apologize for my lack of comments.  The internet connection is very iffy, and VERY SLOW!  It took me about 2 hours to upload this one picture today.  Please forgive me ... I do look in and admire your beautiful work, but I'm afraid the commenting will be spotty for the next two months!  Please don't give up on me!

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