
By audribells

Waiting Game

Today, I woke up more hopeful than yesterday but this morning I got the devastating news that my friend is now in a coma. I was in a lecture and I had to step out to compose myself. The weird thing is all of our lectures today were about death and bereavement and palliative and hospice care. I could not help but feel heavy and troubled and restless all day. I tried to finish my paper but I just could not write-- I realized I was avoiding visiting him because I might not be able to handle it. I might break down in front of his already worried family. But Nathan encouraged me to come see him and so we did. When we got there, Nathan whispered him old stories and secrets and for a moment, the room lit up like they were just being silly, chatting and I believe that our friend was really listening. After a short but sweet visit, I went to play football to cheer myself up. At the pitch, I felt this calm like everything is going to be alright.

Rogie, I know we're not that close but we all have so much hope in you. You have inspired so many people with your story and the dreams that you have are planted in your heart for a reason. The secret is that you control this thing.. Fight for your dreams, your life, and those who love you. I have yet to play football with you. I'll see you at the pitch. I'll be praying and waiting and we'll all be at the bleachers cheering you on! :)

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