It has been ages since I took a picture of the birds around the house. As soon as I stepped outside they hurried away. As if I had not been the one who did forage them almost all year round.
Today the sky looked dull and did not look as if it would not change a bit.
So I decided to have patience with the birds, meaning that I stood there frozen (happily it was not very cold) and waited till the tiny birds did return.
Even then I could not come as near as I would have preferred. I like the Blue Tits, in fact I like all birds.
After lunch Piet Hein and I went for a walk, the best plan was to walk along the Weser but now to the North. We reached nearly Würgassen and then returned. We saw here and there a blue patch in the sky, a delightful sight between all the dull colours of the air and the hills too.

My haiku:

If, if only I
Could fly with the..... but no I
Can only dream it

And the proverb:

The bird must flighter that flies with one wing.

flighter = flutter.

1721  Kelly  308   Spoken by them who have interest only in one side of the house.

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