
By kevinmcc

Still shooting film?

Recently, I purchased several rolls of GAF 35mm color print film which I found on eBay. I knew the film was long since expired when I bought it. 36 exposures, ASA 80, which had an expiration date of June 1976.

The film probably produced outstanding results at ASA 80 (ASA now called ISO.)

The packaging was attractive, and I seriously considered shooting a few rolls... until I found out that this film can only be processed (C22) by a few labs around the globe. The going rate is around $40 per roll with an estimated turn around time of several months to a year, since most labs that are capable of this type of old processing only do batch processing every few months once enough orders come in to make it worth doing a batch.

I was attracted to the retro look of the packaging. I'm sure the young lady in the swim suit probably helped GAF to sell a lot of rolls of this film :)

After many years of selling film, GAF is now in the business of manufacturing and selling roofing materials.

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