Shadow Bottles

The day dawned perfect for a Bipmeet in Stratford...unfortunately, that was yesterday!  However, it was also perfect for an abstract photograph using shadows. A package was delivered yesterday utilizing foam shapes as padding - there's got to be a use for these I thought!  So I saved some - not quite knowing what they were useful for.

For Abstract Thursday I thought I would use the shapes to create something and gradually I evolved the idea to make shadow shapes not at all like the real items.  I laid the foam shapes on a white background making various bottle shapes and shot from directly above. In Photoshop I created two layers - one emphasising the blacks and the other enhancing the grey foam shapes. Using a masking layer I revealed the lighter colour to put 'tops' on the bottles and show the foam shapes.

I am not convinced the other members of my household will regard this use of the foam as 'purposeful'!

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