
By BikerJim

~Blue Fountain~

~Japanese Water Garden~

Went to Tohono Chul Park today for my Canon macro class.
What an experience for someone use to shooting and moving.
Tethered to a tripod and a shutter release cable all day long.
My usual way of shooting is to use the camera to find my shot.
When I photograph I tend to be very mobile with my zoom lens.
Besides using the tripod I was also using my 60mm macro lens.
A whole new way of working for a shot, but very enlightening.
Macro photography, I found, is time consuming and meticulous.
But I enjoyed it immensely and filed away a lot of information.

Your probably wondering why I chose this image to post tonight.
After all I spent the entire day squinting at very tiny subjects.
I liked the photographs I took, but this is more my style, right now.
I guess I lack a little confidence in posting any of the macros.
They weren't quite me, maybe in the future, with more practice.
I was fascinated with macro, but I need to work at it more.
I did used a tripod and my 60mm macro lens for this image.
So, technically, this is a macro photograph, at least for me it is!

Thanks for visiting me today.
Hope your weekend is going well.

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Epilogue #17

I'm not use to expressing myself using the written word. So, I'm beginning to wonder if I bit off more than I can chew, starting a 20 day epilogue! I'm finding it increasingly more difficult to find anything meaningful to say. But those who know me are very confident I will find something to talk about, I mean type about. It has been said that I can talk about almost nothing all day long, and oddly enough make sense.
You know I learned something valuable today. Not specifically about macro photography, what I learned today is that it never hurts to try new things. I have no real interest in close-up work, at least before today. I'm sure that in the near future I will be utilizing some, if not all, of what I learned at macro class. At least I now have an interest in exploring its possibilities. And some of the knowledge I gained today may, and probably will, bleed over into my other photographic interests.
Which brings me to another lesson I've learned lately. Be it post-processing, camera work, or subject selection, and it's not limited to just those things. Try something new, experiment. Move a slider in Photoshop you've never moved before, try a different camera setting you've never tried, shoot a subject you've never pointed a camera at before. I took a picture of an older lady swimming in the pool the other day. Scared me to death just to ask her permission, and she said "Sure, go for it". I did and probably will do it again, it was fun! Today I used automatic exposure bracketing, never did it before, to much trouble I thought. Todays image came from auto-bracketing, might have not gotten a good image if I hadn't used it. I used gradient fill in Photoshop yesterday, I was having trouble with my sky. If I hadn't tried it for the first time yesterday, I'd probably still be working on yesterdays image today. Gosh, I'll sure use it again, what a time saver.

Hey, try stuff! You just might like it or need it.
And if it don't like the outcome,
even then you learned something,
you learned not to do that again!

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