Selfie plus

In more ways than one.

Fifty years ago today, my most precious S promised to love me for ever, as I did her. The traditional Anglican marriage service conducted before family and a few friends in the Hamilton Cathedral. We were blissfully happy, and have remained that way (more or less) ever since. Neither one of us has regretted our decision, nor contemplated alternatives. 

Luck? I certainly count myself fortunate that the woman whose eye I caught in the University cafe during orientation week in 1963, and who so loved my smile that she arranged to be in the same chemistry and physics labs as me, has been the most wonderful influence in my life for 53 years.

More than luck? Relationships do benefit from attention, and we both did that and do that. Our children, who would assert that we have helped them, have been very important and influential in our lives. And then our grandchildren. 

Luck may start something. More is required, and we were able to have and give that extra.

Today, the actual anniversary, was always intended to be a family occasion, with tomorrow being a bigger occasion. Shirley's (S' mother) recent hospital stays persuaded us to downsize, and then daughter C's admission to hospital with an "acute abdomen" necessitated cancellation of the celebration. 

She is doing okay, waiting for a spot on the acute surgical list, as she needs surgery for Meckel's diverticulitis. Explains  lot of her difficulties in the last few years. She was all set for an hour ago, and then bumped for an acute Caesarean. Understandable but frustrating.

This evening a small number of family members in the area came to mark the occasion. Using the timer mechanism on my Pentax I set up and took this photo. Now to bed, soon. Tomorrow down to Auckland again to see C. Boys coping well.

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