Art Gallery trip.

After a lovely breakfast Terry and i split up to do different things.  He headed to the Mountain Equipment Store to find a few items on his list, i headed to the Art Gallery to view an exhibition that was pretty interesting.  This was a large piece created using a glue gun!

As i was walking into the Main Nova Scotia Art Gallery, there was a smaller gallery right next door, so i went in.   The first thing i saw was one of Leya's paintings!   It was so exciting to see the actual piece that i'd viewed as a photo.   Nothing prepared me for the immense presence of this piece......3 panels that were  each about 5' tall x 2' much texture and colour and depth.   Having just had coffee with this rather slight woman, she's maybe 5' tall herself and slender....i was amazed at the scale!    So that was pretty cool.

Picked up some clay, did another bit of shopping....had lunch and headed home.   We got home early enough so that we were able to moved all the clay into the house.   Can't leave it in the car overnight cos it'll freeze!

Always so much fun to go off for a mini adventure, but also so lovely to sleep in my own bed!

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