Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54


I tried to play basketball in High School but I would get out of breath really easily. Turned out I had asthma. So I became the manager and learned the game really well from the sidelines. I was the statistician for the women's team in college, too, so I really boned up on it. But that was pretty much it.

Volleyball was my main game .

Played varsity volleyball in college and also picked up my National NCAA Referee Certification. I made pretty good money at the time in the 70's. For instance, I'd do a three-way college match and make $100 for a Saturday afternoon's work. Evening HS matches would bring in about forty bucks.

Compared to the $100- $125 a week I was making teaching, well...

My principal, Sister Monica, didn't like me moonlighting and threatened to report me to the IRS until I told her I declared my income.

So to punish me, and keep me in school after hours, she made me the basketball coach.

What she didn't know what that I knew the game. So even though I led the girls to the Diocesan Championship, it was unsatisfying for her (because she wanted me to fail) so I was replaced by the gym teacher the following year.

Then she made me the assistant coach of the Cheer Leading squad. That's a blip unto itself :-)

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