Braving the elements

The moody nature of this sky reflects quite well a Cumbrian day that threw a bit of everything at us today. 
Pooch seemed quite full of energy this morning - probably as the IntotheHills were very late to rise. So fed & dressed we headed up onto the Scar - opening the car door it was clear that the weather was very different to down in the wood - whilst the temperature was around 1degC the 30mph wind meant it felt around -6degC - and when the graupel (snow pellets) started to blast they were literally stinging - felt like being back in Cairngorm. But there were also lulls in the wind & gaps in the cloud - the air quality was amazing. Later buying carpet in Kendal we got glorious blue sky, rain & rainbows.

Several blippers mentioned the RSPB Big Garden Bird Watch - living in a wood surrounded by SSSI's I worried that I might skew the figures - but in the end spent a great hour this afternoon down in the mancave glued to the window. My list included:
Blue Tits, Nuthatches, Blackbirds, Goldcrest! (so elusive & flighty - but see extra, captured (badly) on film at last!), Chaffinches, Robin, Greater Spotted Woodpecker, Woodpidgeon, Treecreeper, Long Tail Tits, Great Tit, Coal Tit, Dunnocks & Red Squirrel.

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