Seeing Things

Perhaps it was the effect of strutting the streets at the ridiculously early hour on a Sunday morning, as it certainly couldn't have been the demon drink after a dry January, that His Lordship noticed what he thought was a flying saucer landing on the roof of the fire station in Tollcross. Being not quite so gullible I hurried him along to the temple of toast lest he start seeing little aliens coming to accost us. He is still talking about it, even after two strong coffees and more toast and marmalade than is to be recommended.

I don't know why January seems such a long month and why Christmas is now a distant memory. However in the space of just over a month be are up to H in the storm alphabet, when Henry is forecast to blow in tomorrow.

Wildwood in California was predicting as early as last summer bad winter weather for California because of El Niño, but I never thought it would perhaps be the instigator of so much stormy and wet weather in the north of the British Isles.

As a hiatus, today is windless and above freezing here in Edinburgh city centre and any mini snow men made yesterday in the Meadows are reduced to snow balls on the ground.

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