Mind the Gap!

Dear Diary,

I have a flock of wild turkeys that visit from time to time.  They usually come to patio to forage in the cast off seeds on the ground there.  Eventually they work their way around and come to the stone wall.  One by one they look down into the abyss...the space between two stone retaining walls.  Then, slowly, one after the other they take the leap of faith, flapping across the space to the safety of the other side.

Now, if this sounds like I am being metaphorical here, I am.  We all face that moment when we have to either stay with what we have or take that leap of faith into an uncertain future.  I always used the visual of standing with one foot on the dock and one in the row boat.  There comes the time when we have to make a decision otherwise we will end up in the water!

I know people who seem unable to do this.  "The devil they know is better than the devil they don't know" sort of thing.  I have never been like that.  I have been a bit of a risk taker all my life, quite willing to take that leap of faith when need be.  Perhaps we get less willing to do this as we grow older and this morning my turkey friend reminded me of the "old me" and that is a good thing.

On a lighter note, I have added an extra photograph of "mini Winnie", a little male Downy woodpecker that has been around lately.  He really is quite tiny in comparison to Winifred and Winston...an off spring?  Is he wondering what that thing protruding from the snow is?  I've noticed birds before puzzling about it before.

I adore my birds and the sunlight on the turkey's feathers is so beautiful.  Watching their comings and goings is a daily ritual for me and ritual is import for maintaining a sense of peace in one's life.

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