Mizzly & drizzly

Today has been one of those days when we’ve been out for our walks and not really realised that it was raining, but by the time we’ve got home we’ve been soaked through.  Grrrrrrrr…………..  And talk about windy?!!!  We were going to walk along this beach but it was so windy that Ann couldn’t stand up so we had to go a different route.

And the rest of the day has just been frittered away.  Grrrrrrr again.

Ann has a lot of domesticated chores to do.  Exciting stuff like cleaning the oven and clearing out the spare room of all the junk that she’s thrown in there, and getting rid of all the cobwebs that seem to have popped up all over the house.  Has anyone else noticed that spiders seem to be spinning more webs this winter?  Last night she told me that after my morning walk I was going to have snooze time while she worked through her ‘to do’ list?!!

Needless to say, Ann’s ‘to do’ list is still very long.  She just doesn’t seem to have the energy to get motivated.  Maybe she’s got seasonal affective disorder??  At the start of the year she made some New Year Resolutions to do more exercise and give up wine for a month.  She was going to start swimming again, go back to dancercise classes and join line dancing classes.  None of which has happened??!!  Well the dance classes are on Thursday & Friday nights and everyone knows that those nights are going out to eat & drink nights??

On a positive note though………………  She is pretty much managing to walk 15000 steps a day which is approximately 6 -7 miles.  On a negative note that’s almost three hours of walking a day and that’s why there’s no time left to do domesticated chores?!!

Oh well, ho hum, there’s always tomorrow.  Obviously she can’t do cleaning jobs at night because to do a proper job one needs to see what one is cleaning in daylight?!

So tonight we will be slobbing on the sofa watching ‘Call the Midwife’ & ‘Vera’.  And Ann might even need to have a glass of wine as a little reward for walking more than 15000 steps in mizzly, drizzly weather??

PS – For all of you lovely Blippers who were worried about me yesterday…………….  Today I am absolutely fine.  I gobbled up all my breakfast, I’ve just gobbled up all my dinner and I was all happy & bouncy on my walks.  Thank you for caring. xxx

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