
Spent a good hour and a half in the garden today dismantling the huge plastic greenhouse amongst other tasks. The frame is still up as a new cover may be bought in the future but for now the garden looks better as all the contents (which the wind ensured was distributed around the garden) has been tidied away.

The Christmas tree has been burned as has some of the straw and twigtastic type debris hanging around the place. The climbing roses are already sprouting thanks to the weather so I've pruned them back heavily and I have to hope that's the right thing to do bearing in mind a hard frost may still occur!

The quiche is experimental just based on what I had in the house and what I fancied. I give you onion and broccoli quiche with Emmentel (sp?) cheese, this is after I poured the filling in after blind baking the pastry! It was very nice.

Tonight I have loads to do. Finding good value hazel fence panels, emphasis on value to replace the 10 that wrecked, old and storm battered ones stand unhappy in the garden.

This evening I need to wrap an awful needlepoint picture I am very happy to say goodbye to :-) it pretty big and I bought it second hand as I wanted the frame to paint for a project!

It's been productive as weekends go

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