A Chimney Sweep Sailing By

Rain all morning again. When it stopped I went down the field with Jazzy and just my macro lens intending to look for a droplet subject. As we passed the lake next door some fallow deer galloped round its bank. We have little muntjacs but I've never seen full-sized deer here before. 

I went for a little walk at Lodge Farm this afternoon and could see deer way in the distance. I took pics but they were just dots in the landscape. I heard mewing and got a shot of a buzzard mid-mew. At nearly five I spotted the shortie quartering but the light was too poor for my autofocus to lock on.

Crows are always hanging around the farm buildings. John Clare loved them.

The Crow

How peaceable it seems for lonely men
To see a crow fly in the thin blue sky
Over the woods and fealds, o'er level fen
It speaks of villages, or cottage nigh
Behind the neighbouring woods -- when March winds high
Tear off the branches of the huge old oak
I love to see these chimney sweeps sail by
And hear them o'er gnarled forest croak
Then sosh askew from the hid woodman's stroke
That in the woods their daily labours ply
I love the sooty crow nor would provoke
Its march day exercises of croaking joy
I love to see it sailing to and fro
While feelds, and woods, and waters spread below.

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