Whazzat, a wasp's nest?

Well, I guess they’re some kind of hornet, but maybe this nest is the reason for the humming bird’s protests. I heard his tsk tsk tsk from afar this morning, so it’s obviously not just my presence he was complaining about yesterday. I followed the sound back to the same tree and there he was, just a meter or so above the nest (extra photo, rather blurry).
Made little progress with my plans to sort all the tools and associated odds and ends before coming back to Rio. The most I could manage was to get them back into a reduced number of drawers, in rather better order, plus the resolution to do better next weekend. Then polishing my domestic goddess halo, I left lunch ready for HH and had some myself before taking off. I was passing the airport turnoff at the time our guests were due to land, so figured it would be silly not to pick them up (they were planning to take the bus, but it would have taken them ages). They are a charming young couple, and after settling in and a few refreshments, set off to watch the sunset at Arpoador, the point between Ipanema and Copacabana. It’s a warm evening, so I hope that by now, they’re enjoying a gentle wander back along the beach road.

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