Breakey Blips

By ElizabethB

Not the official school photo.

It's the first day when all three are back at school.

I have more formally posed shots, but this one reflects their personalities rather well.
Big Mr E, an easy going chap who has managed to get through life charming people with his slightly squint smile.
Young Mr A, who is officially 9 years and 364 days old, is not too keen on all the "photo recording for Grandparents" stuff, and is dreaming of better things he could be doing with his time.
Miss C, still in her first week of high school, is my rule keeper. Her worried look reflects her concern that my mucking around with a camera might make them miss the bus. She'll have worked out all the consequences from it too. She's not an anxious kid most of the time, and I know that she will relax about school once it becomes more familiar. But in the meantime, keeping the rules gives her an anchor of stability.

The bus stops outside our house, and they didn't missed it.

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