Office view

Bit of a naff photo, but I took my DSLR to work today in order to practice for some portraits I've been asked to take later in the week - the only other shots I took were test ones of my friend Char, and I don't think she'd have thanked me for using her photo as my pic of the day.  I snapped this as I was heading home this evening.  The building next to ours fascinates me - it seems to sit empty for most of the day, as far as I can tell, but if I stay late enough in the evening, the lights come on and people troop in.  No idea what they're doing in there though!

We had a 'staff strategy day' at work today.  It ended at 4 and most of my colleagues headed for the pub, but I went back to my desk and worked for another couple of hours.  Came home to Tim (who'd worked from home again today), and had pie for dinner again. Yum!

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