The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Bridge over the river Frome

The bridge is being repaired after a tree trunk fell on it last winter. As I type, Storm Henry is blowing a hoolie down the chimney, so it seems a curious time to start repairs. No doubt it's about using up any repair budget surplus before the financial year runs out. ...

My card selling team grew by one last night. Exciting times! My neighbour came round for coffee and wanted to see my Sri Lanka pics. Some are on the Dropbox app on my phone, some are on the iPad, some can only be viewed in-camera. It's a right mess! I know what I shall be doing if I don't go away for half- term! Atter teaching, I Went to collect a bag of greetings cards that I had left in a different section of the rehab for perusal. They had forgotten to look at them!

'I'll be back for them next week' said I, striding off along the canal towpath. It is so much lighter and less muddy now when I walk home. Birds are singing. It's February at last! Not my favourite month, but I cannot dislike it, because it's my birthday month. And CleanSteve is coming home.

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