Sitting on the deck ...

... with a glass of wine and my camera, I saw the sun setting through the translucent glass panels. I gave up waiting for a better photo, took that and started to load it as my blip.

Then I noticed a helicopter circling almost overhead. Initially thought it was for the traffic, or the Police. Then I remembered that today was the first one day international between NZ and Australia at Eden Park in Auckland (less than 2 km from here). So I had a look to see how well NZ was doing to find that they had bowled out Australia in 24 overs for a win by over 150 runs.

A golden evening.

(NLN's comment reminded me of something I intended to write.)
Thank you to all who expressed concern for C and M-I-L, and have asked about them. M-I-L was discharged yesterday and went home with S' brother. C was discharged today. Rapid improvement over the last couple of days.

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