Tree Three

Whilst the sun was out I walked up to the parish church, thinking I might get a decent shot of sunlight streaming through a stain glass window, for the Dickens Challenge. You know the sort of thing you seen in big Cathedrals in Europe. Although the windows looked bright, the sun was not streaming through onto the floor,  just brightening the window. Rather disappointed I walked back home the longer way hoping it wouldn't hail on me. The wind was very strong and I had to shelter to get this shot of a tree across the fields. It's the only one standing there and I'm sure it has many tales to tell if it could talk.

I played with the contrast and brightness in GIMP to get this affect, as it was blue sky when I took it. I really like it as it reminds me of a fairy tale or maybe the film E.T.

Day 3 of the Mono Month Challenge MMC16.

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