a teachers journey

By EmmaDaisyduck

Another trip to A&E

I think I should be locked up in a padded cell - today I knocked my previously knocked nail but this time managed to rip the acrylic nail off while still attached to my own nail, down to the nail bed!! Very very painful and this needed a trip to A&E
They decided it needed to be glued back to the thumb and steri stripped it together!!

I then managed a full spinning class and half a step class before my ankle started to throb! So i went home to try and sort out my new ski's for tomorrow nights sports event - this was going rather well until I dropped a few screws and as I picked them up I managed to almost knock myself out by wacking the back of my head on the outdoor tap!

Not one of my best days - so off to bed, hoping I wake up in a better less accident prone mood!!

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