The view of the day

Visiting headquarters again. So good day - brilliant, happy and friendly co-workers - even if I am a bit tired to travel this often.... I really should make effort in teaching people to use more the remote systems.... :)

In the morning I was late for bus, but got in time into the train. The finnish railway has apparently deep problems to show the right platforms and timetables to travellers, but fortunately I found a right train... At headquarters I accidentally left my mobile phone to the restaurant, but found it later... A long day. To my happiness I found a free seat in the train on my way home, so I could work all the way....

The view is from the corridor of the Swedish department of Finnish broadcasting co. What a lovely scenery over the television world they have!

(Finland is bilingual country, most of us speak finnish, but our other national language is swedish. The swedish department makes some basic kind of programmes (news, sports, current affairs etc) for the swedish speaking minority. Mostly these programmes are also subtitled into finnish. Today I was teaching and helping my dear collaque there, as she had some worries)


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