For Mouse @CatToyOriginal

As many of you know a friend of mine is the Queen of Canadaland. Well of late she's been a bit under the weather so I went to grab her some sheeps photos. Unfortunately I got the timing wrong; the ladies are due to give birth in a few weeks so they were taking a break. They were all in the shed with their feet/hooves/paws up enjoying a fag, a brew and a wee bit of Jeremy Kyle. I wasn't wearing the right lens for indoor shenanigans so there is one in the extras but the others were not too good.

Other than that it's been a busy day with lots of conversations including a chat about cheesed breads and the history of the Internet with George  ( - two separate subjects; I have no doubt that the pioneers of the dominant technology of the late 20th century thrived on cheesy brez'n or tiger bread with cheese but sadly this isn't recorded. Am I the only one struggling with blip just now? I'm not getting the formatting tools in Chrome and IE isn't letting me insert links.

I've also been describing the Buttermarket to someone - it is still one of my favourite spaces and a cracking place to sit with a coffee and watch the world pass by. That got me to thinking about all the lovely places there are to sit and chat with a coffee and how many of us simply don't spend enough time doing that. I plan to invest much more time in this pursuit.

I hope that you are back in fettle soon Mouse! :-)

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