Lisa's life...

By lisa24270


New camera bag didn't get an outing. 

When I woke up I was a little concerned that I wouldn't either as I had those stupid fizzy migraine feet again.

All good by 11 though unlike the weather so I took Stella for a wander through the village in hat and wellies to discover some more of the green millennium walk. Then found that we were quite near a geocache so walked to the end of that part of the riverbank, crossed the river and walked the other side to nab it. 

Hilarity ensued with mud and water and stiles in the wind but we made it there and back safely!

The gardener's been round as he starts on Tuesday first thing and then the builder got in touch and wanted to start on Tuesday too! One of them can be left to his own devices and one can't so I've asked the builder to start next week instead. Don't want to be hanging around here for too long Tuesday morning, I've got places to be :) 

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