Gate crashing a funeral

“Do you realise where we are?” I hiss to M who can be blind to social mores.
We are standing in the middle of Jamaica’s National Art gallery. It’s Saturday afternoon. And we happen to be the only white people there. Something is going on but we don’t know what. Clearly we have stumbled into some grand reception.
“I thought it was a gallery opening…. until I saw how smartly dressed everyone is.” (We are in traditional tourist clothes, shorts, and trainers, t-shirt and stand out like the proverbial sore thumb).
“”I thought it was a wedding…. until I saw that formal welcoming party,” he said.
“It’s a funeral isn’t It.”?
But it’s not just any old funeral.
We have gatecrashed the Tribute reception to Barrington Watson, Jamaica’s best known artist who was buried this morning age 86, in Kingston.
The gallery have laid on a special exhibition of his work for the funeral party and we are in the middle of it…(see extra photo).

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