Palmyra - will we ever see again?

From my 1992 diary - the entry makes me weep when I think what is happening there now. It was near 100*F

"A guide came to the camp site and offered to take us round the temple for 50£ Syrian (75p) so 12 of us took him up  ...... . I'm not sure what it is but for 30 years no one has looked at me twice and here I have to beat them off for the guide gave us a fantastic tour and then offered to continue the tour with just me, up to the burial mounds in order to see the sunset!  Managed to wave behind my back to D & J who followed at a discreet distance.  We saw the tombs and then he asked me if I would join him and his friends for tea so I wisely asked if D & J  could come too.   6 men were sitting on mats beside a pick up and a jeep - a television hooked up but only to sound 'watching' a football match!  We took off our shoes and sat on the mat to drink sweet tea out of little glasses.  Then we had water melon and talked and talked about life and politics in Syria.  Everyday this same group of men meet together after work to rest and talk - the evening meal isn't taken till 10 or 11 and is light compared with lunch taken before siesta.  Our guide wore a djellaba made of silk which he'd bought from Saudi Arabia - very well cut and looking so cool.  He has 7 children (9-9months) - his wife is a school teacher as well!   he has been a guide for 25 years (now 50 years old) and when he was 43 had saved enough for a car, so he paid his 73,000£Syrian to the government.  He still hasn't got a car and won't probably for another 10 years."

I wonder whether he ever got his car and how his children are faring now.

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