
By SpotsOfTime

Carmelite Friary of St. Mary, Burnham Norton

I'm not sure this is 'allowed' to be included in freespiral's holy well month.
There is a well here somewhere but I scoured the friary precincts with no luck today so need to go back.

Good info here

Bracing breath of air at Wells before more sorting out (see extra).

Tertiary - Kevin Crossley-Holland

Down a lane holm-oaks
hallow, all but islanded by drifts
stocky and immaculate-­
snowdrop, anemone, marguerite­-
Old Agnes flourishes.
Seasoned perennial,
rubicund and rotund, always affable,
she leads pilgrims out
to the green hollow
(earth springy, then giving)
and the silent ferment sweet to the tongue,
the nipples flowing.
'Here is the canal
the poor souls row down to get provisions. . .'
Suffused with lily pads and bulrushes.
'This is the aching arch
of departure and return. . .'
Grey-green with lichen, crumbling.
‘And here is their Dormitory. . .'
Stones for pillows.
So very little reason
why they should not be
here, white habits, white cowls,
thronging this place.

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