Oh my.

I am a zombie. The actual walking dead. Look at me walk around with stiff limbs and a glazed expression bumping into things.

The fucking super inconsiderate teens over the road had us and at least 2 other neighbours I know of awake from 3.30 this morning. They were making noise until nearly 5 by which time it was impossible to get back to sleep. When Dad's away the rotten sods play. All night. Outside. With their mates. And girls. And their bloody buggering noisy stupid basketball.
donk donk donk thud crash
donk donk donk thud crash

And their very good at projecting Bath private school trained voices.

So anyway. I drove to Marlborough (whilst being very aware that my reactions and decision making skills were total shit and that I wanted to go to sleep) so that I could have a very special child free lunch with a very lovely lady indeed. We decided Marlborough was halfway between us and it was a good choice. It was really good. The only time we've ever managed to do it! And now she's moving to Ireland just as neither of us has work commitments making it hard any more. Bah again ;)

This is Cherhill (I think) that I passed on the way home. Well on the way there too but I took the pic on the way home. You may need to go large to see the horse on the hill though. No bloody camera again. Dammit.

Have run out of words now. My cotton wool head is shutting down for the night.

Thank God I had the foresight to grab a ping dinner earlier!

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