All things me

By KatiePie


The kids went for a photoshoot with a local photographer in a nearby poppy field this evening. Very cool! Looking forward to seeing the results.

I haven't got NEARLY enough done today. I was a sweaty minger until lunchtime as my "thrown on first thing" joggers and T-shirt stayed on longer and longer whilst I just did the next thing.. and the next..
Thankfully I actually showered and got dressed before the school run this afternoon and I'm actually presentable now.

Cleaning will have to go on hold for this week now (I really meant to do it today!) as tomorrow I'm off on a farm trip with Littlest's class. Friday I'm spa-ing, lunch-ing, out for drinks-ing, Saturday I'm recovering, cheering on Mr KP whilst he builds a deck and going out for dinner with friends. Sunday I'm recovering again. Possibly at a beach. Monday I'm going out with Mr to Bath to do some mooching and shopping and lunching.
Oh yes. There's a birthday on the horizon and I am milking it baby ;)

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