A time for everything

By turnx3

Le coup de vent

Given the weather first thing this morning - strong winds and rain - I opted not to go walking with the walking group this morning, but instead went swimming at lunchtime for my exercise, and went straight from there to needlework/knitting group at Isabelle's home in Barbizon. Being the day before Shrove Tuesday or Mardi Gras, and just under a week since la Chandeleur, which the French celebrate by eating crêpes, Isabelle had fixed us crêpes to go with our tea.
La Chandeleur or Candlemas occurs on the 2nd February, which is 40 days after Christmas. This religious celebration recalls the Presentation of Jesus to the Temple, (described in Luke chapter 2 verses 22-40).  The origins of la Chandeleur date back to a pagan feast, where according to local customs, candles had to be lit at midnight as a symbol of purification.
The Church adapted the tradition into the blessing of the candles, which were to repel Evil, thus reminding all that Christ is the light of the world. Christians would then come back to their homes with the blessed candles in order to protect them.
It was also at that time of the year that the winter seed-time started. The surplus flour was then used without too much risk of shortage and crêpes were made as a symbol of prosperity for the coming year. The crepe also symbolizes the sun through its round form and golden colour, and thus celebrates the approaching Spring after the cold dark winter.
The weather had improved since the morning, still quite windy, but at least the sun had come out, so having left Isabelle's, I went for a short walk around Barbizon, taking pictures of some of the mosaics of paintings by artists associated with the Barbizon "school". I chose Le coup de vent (gust of wind) by Corot, since it seemed very appropriate for the day's weather!

One year ago: La Roche Fendue (split boulder)

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