Parked up

Today was a funny old day. Sometimes it's best to reflect and then move on, I suspect that will be what happens. Life is too short and sometimes things just work out and the uncomfortable becomes comfortable, or at least in perspective.

Benedict is eating out and I'm not happy. I know where he isn't eating but that isn't helping me work out where he is dining during the day. My cat, my food, that's the way I see it. They're free agents and you can't stop them poking and sniffing. It's people feeding cats outside that bothers me.

As of tomorrow he'll have a few days holiday at the 5-star luxury cat accommodation. I'm hoping that might break the cycle. Meanwhile I'll be having fun in the mountains :-)

To make that happen I have a balancing act of preparation, work, sleep, and all the other normal things of life to sort.

I'd better make a start.

Didn't the Black Caps do well :-)

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