A Very Happy Birthday

Today is my birthday! I am now officially two years old! Yay!!!

This morning, I had to sit on the bed and wait and then mum came in singing, with a cake and presents!! Loads of presents! The cake was prince sausage, duck liver mousse, crushed cheese ball crumbles and a huge prawn on top! It was my top priority, so I got that first and devoured it as fast as caninely possible. YUMMY!

Among the presents I immediately noticed a very familiar scent. Mum had gift-wrapped a Santa! It was opened and swallowed in less seconds than I have paws. Then I opened presents from mum and my wonderful Blip friends Dolly and Heidi and chrissel and Elli! The most amazing gifts! Mum says I got more presents than the average two year old human. We had so much fun!

Mum had promised me a forest walkie, but made a short stop on the way. We went to my favourite forest, and it turned out mum had gotten us a semla for a semla picnic! And guess what? Today is the actual day you are supposed to eat semla! It was delicious! The walk was great, I was happy and energetic.

The rest of the day has been great too. My cousins sang to me on the phone, I got a meatball at grandma and grandpa's and I have played with all my fabulous presents. This has been, possibly, the best day of my life!

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