
By craftylady

Twiddle Muffs

A few from the first batch of Twiddle Muffs that I shall be dropping off at the hospital on Monday, when I go with T for his appointment.  For those who don't know about Twiddle Muffs - they are used with dementia patients, who often have very restless and agitated hands.  They are knitted with bright colours and different textures of wool.  Buttons and beads can be sewn on the outside and textured stitches on the inside.  They keep the hands occupied and also give comfort and warmth when the hands are inside. I had never heard of them until browsing through some blip journals and came across  them, so made some enquiries at the local hospital as to whether they use them, and had a go. Fun to knit and a great way of using up scraps of wool left over from other projects.

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