The importance of lichens...

This is tree lungwort - which I am blipping for the second time !

Last year the charity Plantlife Scotland asked me to become the species champion for this lichen and since then I have learnt about the abundance ( and importance) of lichens which we should be proud of in Scotland ( and work to conserve and enhance) and led a Parliamentary Debate to highlight the importance of the Celtic Rain Forest.

Today after campaigning in Oban I helped to launch a new nature trail at Glen Nant near Taynuilt which gives people a chance to understand more about the riches of our often damp environment.

This sample of tree lungwort ( seen through a magnifying viewer) was on display at the event in Taynuilt Hall which also featured story telling for children from Claire Hewitt who has produced a lovely book of tree based traditional tales with support from the Forestry Commission.

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