Iced.... the freezing cold!  
One of my former co-workers had changed jobs and her good-bye party was at my friend's house last night so I went & had a really great time!  The roads were just wet when I drove to the party, but when I left to go home much later in the evening, I almost wiped out on the ice that had formed while I was inside--the temp. had dropped by almost 20 degrees! Thank goodness I caught my balance as I've already broken both my ankles in falls & sure didn't want to repeat it!!  Of course when I got home and told Tom about it he started teasing me with how there wasn't really any ice--I'd just had too much to drink and couldn't walk straight! :))
Even with the sun out today it never made it above 15 degrees, so we didn't stay outside very long! Heading out to dinner shortly! Hope you're all enjoying the weekend! :)

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