Grant Park Falls

Yesterday when I stopped here you could clearly see the stone stairs off to the right leading all the way down to the much of the  stairs are covered with ice! The same with this little waterfall--although the water is still coming down, there is solid ice all the way across behind the falling water, where yesterday the right half of the falls was pretty much clear of ice.  Why the big change? B-B-B-B-Because it was only 4 degrees when I left for work early this morning, with a ch-ch-ch-chill factor of 12 below zero & it's supposed to be even colder tomorrow--about the coldest temps of the winter so far!
I might be a little off on comments this weekend, as I'm on call both Sat. & Sun. & already know I have to go in both days. Also, my sister-in-law & her husband are coming Sunday & spending the night, as they're flying down to Florida on Monday to spend a week with Tom's brother...... though why anyone would want to leave Wisconsin to go to Florida in February is a puzzle to me!!  Haha!  Happy weekend!   :)

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