
Its Friday - yippppeeeeee. Today was hard work at school - like pulling teeth, getting our class to write a newspaper report. Well one paragraph. It amazes me that we are expected to teach subordinating clauses, frontal adverbials, parenthesis, complex / compound sentences etc etc  when actually all they really need to do is be able to write a coherent well spelt paragraph. Our lot struggle with capital letters, what hope is there!

But, we have a week off to recharge our batteries ahhhhhhhhh.

So tonight Indie and I had our usual Friday night extended dog walk. I don't know how much longer we will be able to walk through the golf course, the golfers will soon be back on this part of the course. It got very water logged and has not been used for a few weeks. As usual we saw a gaggle of geese who panicked and ran/flew off when they got sight of Indie. They were in no harm as he was on his lead. 

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