
By AnnieBScotland

mule spinning

still pouring when I finished my volunteer stint at New Lanark, handn't even taken the 'proper' camera but decided to pop into the display area and see if I could get a reasonable picture with my compact.

this is a spinning mule which takes single threads of yarn - 2 or 3 usually - and spins them together, twisting them and putting in the strength to make knitting wool. Although they originally spun cotton at New Lanark, the principle is the same and by spinning wool the Visitor Centre has a saleable product and can therefore operate the historic machinery for the visitors to see. The wool is highly sought after these days.

The compact would automatically flash in this environment but I wanted to see if I could catch some of the movement of the machine as it moved in and out, so I put off the flash and held my breath for a slow shutter speed. I think it captures a bit of the movement?

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