small beer or little table?

The crumblies have zoomed off on a jet plane,  as they're off to see my bro... so just like in the old days when I lived at home, I used their house and had a party! 

Our friends Dan and Ella were visiting... we haven't seen them for 18 months,  because in that time we've all become parents... It was great to introduce the kids and then to catch up over a couple of drinks once they had gone to bed... 

Our party was very rock and roll... We had a take away for tea, and then repaired to the living room... Dave felt particularly comfortable at the playdoh table and stayed there most of the evening,  and we were just managing to stay up past our bedtime, when little un started calling for me...  my 2.5 year old chaperone had decided that enough was enough... she's stricter that my parents ever used to be... 

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