Maid in Cornwall

By curlycarrie

Cape Cornwall Cow mark II

So cute he deserves to be biggified

These cows really are too good to be true - not only do they look like big cuddly monsters, they actually are big cuddly monsters. This one was hanging around by they gate waiting to be adored by any passers by so of course I had to give him a bit of adoration. He loved having the side of his face scratched, it made his eyes go all dopey. This chap was also there but he was being a bit anti-social today.
I had a bit of a stand off with an idiot in a range rover on the way back. Seriously, if you're driving down a narrow road and you see a car coming towards you, you do not drive straight past a passing place and then expect the other driver (ie me) to reverse miles back down the road so you can get past!! Unfortunately for Mr range rover, I have a great deal of stubborness and a great deal of time on my hands so I will quite happily sit in my car refusing to move for as long as it takes. Gesticulating is a waste of time as I will be too busy admiring the view to notice. Can you guess who won the stand off :)

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